24 Most Famous Left-Handed Musicians (Guitarists & Beyond)

Compared to right-handed musicians, artists having the left as their dominant hand is a rare breed. In the world of music, however, left-handed guitarists stand out even more than usual. The following list includes 25 of some of the most famous left-handed musicians! Kurt Cobain, the late frontman of Nirvana, Jimi Hendrix, Paul McCartney, and … Read more

Is Bass Easier Than Guitar?

When people initially want to learn to play an instrument or play in a band, the guitar is the first thing most people think of. But is that the best way to get started, and is bass easier than guitar? Here is what I know from playing both: Bass guitar can be easier to learn … Read more

Can a Lefty Play a Right-Handed Guitar?

Left-handed guitars are harder to find. So for natural lefties who want to learn guitar, picking a side can be troublesome. So, they often wonder: Can a lefty play a right-handed guitar? Here is what I have found from talking to left-hand guitarists: Left-handed guitarists can play a right-handed guitar either by holding their guitars … Read more