Does Keith Richards Play with a Pick?

The Rolling Stones are undeniably the most successful rock and roll band in history. And it’s no secret that the Stones’ revolutionary sound hinges on the distinctive style of guitarist Keith Richards. But does Keith Richards play with a pick? Keith Richards does often play with a pick. However, on songs such as Honky Tonk … Read more

What Does Mick Jagger Eat?

Have you seen a recent picture of Mick Jagger lately? Yes, he’s old. But have you seen how ripped he is? Despite being well over 70 years old, he is in better shape than most. So what does Mick Jagger eat? Mick Jagger eats a balanced whole foods diet consisting of whole grains, plenty of … Read more

Did The Beatles Get Paid Equally?

For a band that was together only a handful of years, The Beatles sure did have a big impact in the world. And they made a LOT of money. But did The Beatles get paid equally? Manager Brian Epstein received 25% of all the Beatles’ concert, merchandise, and performance royalty revenue, with the balance being … Read more

Do The Beatles Still Get Royalties?

The Beatles are undoubtedly one of the most successful rock bands in history. And while the members and their estates don’t really need more money, it’s interesting to wonder, do The Beatles still get royalties? The Beatles still got royalties after Michael Jackson purchased their catalog in 1985, but only performance royalties and not songwriting … Read more

Does Paul McCartney Have Perfect Pitch?

Paul McCartney is a living legend. On his latest album, he plays every instrument himself. I was giving it a listen the other day, and I couldn’t help but notice that Paul’s voice sounds, well… like that of an elderly man. But the remarkable thing is, the guy still sounds good. So does Paul McCartney … Read more

Did John Lennon Have Perfect Pitch?

The impact John Lennon made on the music world is evidenced by the 350+ songs that he wrote and recorded during his career. There is no question that he was an incredible musician, but Did John Lennon have perfect pitch? Here’s what I know from being a long-time Beatles fan: John Lennon did not have … Read more