Does Taylor Swift Use AutoTune (or lip sync)?

Taylor Swift is considered one of the most popular singers of all time, currently pop, but starting in country. Despite doing a lot of solo acoustic work over the years, many fans still ask does Taylor Swift use autotune? Like many singers, Taylor Swift does use autotune. Autotune was NOT extensively used in her early … Read more

Are Coldplay Overrated? (and why do some people think that?)

Coldplay’s musical integrity has been questioned many times. Additionally, haters have called them boring and emotionless. But their fans love them! But are Coldplay overrated? Coldplay is not overrated as they are extremely talented both in the studio and on stage. And while critics have been known to state that all their songs sound the … Read more

Is Judas Priest a Christian Band?

Growing up, I will never forget the first time I saw a Judas Priest album cover. Heavy metal covers were designed to evoke strong imagery and to cause a reaction. And then there’s the name. I remember being curious about them and wondering, is Judas Priest a Christian band? Here’s what I’ve discovered over the … Read more

Does Coldplay Do Drugs?

Coldplay’s concerts are full of psychedelic colors, fireworks, and explosions. But Coldplay is also known for a lot of sad, depressing songs. So some people wonder, does Coldplay do drugs? Coldplay does not do hard drugs at all, but singer Chris Martin has confessed in an interview that he had given in to: “Success and … Read more

Is Bruce Springsteen a Good Guitar Player?

Bruce Springsteen is one of the most popular rock stars of all time. He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1999. But while it’s common to see a guitar slung around his neck, many fans wonder, is Bruce Springsteen a good guitar player? Here’s what I know from watching him … Read more

Does Coldplay Use Autotune?

It’s not unusual to hear about artists using autotune today, to polish minor imperfections in their songs and achieve those perfect high notes. All the major popular faces in the music industry are using it, which made me wonder does Coldplay use autotune? Coldplay does not use large amounts of autotune either in the studio … Read more

Does Justin Timberlake Use Autotune? 

Justin Timberlake is considered to be a true entertainer by many people all over the world. Besides being an actor, dancer, and performer, Justin Timberlake is known for his vocal abilities. Despite his obvious talent, many fans want to know, does Justin Timberlake use autotune? Here’s what I’ve discovered: Justin Timberlake occasionally uses autotune on … Read more

Blink 182 vs Green Day (Complete Comparison)

Green Day’s pop-punk sound is infectious; it embodies everything catchy about 90’s-era punk. But who could possibly forget about Blink 182 in their heyday, either? They even headlined together in 2002 for the Pop Disaster Tour. So, let’s explore Blink 182 vs. Green Day. Here’s what I think: Green Day has sold 72% more records … Read more

Why Were the Ramones So Important?

If you pay any attention to the world around you, you’ve inevitably seen some celebrity or another sporting a t-shirt with the Ramones logo. You’ve probably asked yourself on more than one occasion, who are the Ramones? And why were the Ramones so important? The Ramones were one of the most underrated and influential bands … Read more

Is Billie Eilish from a Rich Family?

Billie Eilish had a meteoric rise to fame. However, people wonder about her family background, especially knowing she records at her brother’s home studio in her parent’s house. So, is Billie Eilish from a rich family? Billie Eilish does come from a rich family, with her parents having a current combined net worth of $12 … Read more