Does Brendon Urie Sound Like Patrick Stump?

Brendan urie Patrick Stump lg

Both Fall Out Boy and Panic! at the Disco have been in the industry for quite a long time. And you may have noticed they sound similar. But does Brendon Urie sound like Patrick Stump?

Here’s what I’ve figured out:

Brendon Urie was influenced by Patrick Stump as Fall Out Boy came before Panic! at the Disco. Urie even performs on a few early Fall Out Boy recordings. However, Urie generally has a stronger voice and a much wider vocal range.

Although both groups have made separate marks in the industry, this comparison gets brought up quite a lot.

This is because their voices are very similar in terms of tone, level of experimentation, and overall vocal range. It should also be pointed out that although Fall Out Boy came before Panic, they were very close in terms of time frame.

This is important because both Patrick Stump and Brendon Urie come from a very specific time in music. Largely, this was the sound.

These two examples have happened to pass the test of time while many of their competitors did not.

I took a look into the overall sounds of Brendon Urie and Patrick Stump to determine how they are connected and who influenced their ways of singing.

This is what I found.

Are Panic at the Disco and Fall Out Boy connected?

Fall Out Boy had a huge hand in signing Panic! at the Disco to their 1st record label. But Brendon Urie also performed on 3 early Fall Out Boy recordings, and both bands have used many of the same producers over the years.

The connection between Panic! at the Disco runs deep.

When they were trying to get noticed, Brendon Urie and Ryan Ross sent a couple of demo versions of songs to Fall Out Boy’s Pete Wentz. He was impressed, so much so he drove to Las Vegas from Los Angeles to meet the band and watch them rehearse.

Pete Wentz signed Panic! at the Disco after only seeing them in rehearsal.

At the time, Pete Wentz had a deal with Fueled by Ramen records to sign other artists. By the end of 2004, he had signed Panic! at the Disco to his Decaydance Records imprint record label.

Pete Wentz mentioned the band any chance he got and even wore Panic! at the Disco T-shirts in concerts.

Before Panic! at the Disco’s first album came out, Pete Wentz told fans it was going to become their new favorite record. However, the fact that he signed them so quickly caused outrage from many fans.

They felt the new group was underserving because they have never even performed for a crowd.

Besides this, Panic! at the Disco and Fall Out Boy have always publicly shown that they were friends. Particularly Pete Wentz and Brendon Urie.

One other thing that links Panic! at the Disco and Fall Out Boy is that they have both been accused of using autotune in their songs.

We explored that topic in this recent article about Fall Out Boy and also in this recent article regarding Panic! at the Disco’s use of autotune or other modern studio aids.

Just click those links to read them on my site.

Who were Brendon Urie’s influences?

Brendon Urie has cited being influenced by Frank Sinatra, Queen, and David Bowie. Urie’s love of Sinatra and swing jazz is prominent in songs such as “Death of a Bachelor”, and Panic! often perform a note-for-note rendition of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody in their concerts.

While Brendon Urie is known for being a great singer, he is also known for being a dynamic stage presence.

He has named called quite a few influences on his music, but the biggest are all legends. Aside from Bowie, Queen, and Sinatra, Brendon has said that his biggest musical influences are Tom Delonge of Blink-182, and Angels and Airwaves.

These diverse influences show who he is as an artist. For fans of Panic! at the Disco, Frank Sinatra being one of Brendon’s biggest influences makes perfect sense.

Panic! ‘s “Death of a Bachelor” album contained many references to Frank Sinatra, as I mentioned above.

Particularly on the title track where Brendon sings in the same style as the legendary crooner. The great thing is that it never feels like Brendon is trying to copy his influences.

You can hear Freddie Mercury’s influence when you listen to Panic! at the Disco.

The fact that both Queen and David Bowie are major influences is also apparent to fans. This can be seen not only in Brendon’s singing but also in the way he performs on stage. Brendon is a very flashy and flamboyant performer, and so were David Bowie and Queen, in their prime.

His influence by Queen is largely due to the singing of the late great Freddie Mercury. Not only was Mercury a dynamic performer, but he also had a vocal range that is comparable to Urie’s range.

But what range is Brendon Urie, and how does it compare to Freddie Mercury’s range?

I explored that in a recent article, and what really surprised me was that both have a 4-octave range, but one actually goes higher than the other.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

What Fall Out Boy songs is Brendon Urie in?

Brendon Urie has provided vocals for the Fall out Boy songs “What a Catch, Donnie” “7 Minutes in Heaven”, and “20 Dollar Nose Bleed”.

To provide more texture to a song, artists often have other people contribute vocals.

And often, more established bands, such as Fall Out Boy, will invite up and coming bands, such as Panic!, to participate in a song as a way of giving them exposure.

Brendon Urie has done this for Fall out Boy on a number of occasions. He has both provided vocals as well as sang background across their respective careers.

If you listen closely to two songs on Fall Out Boy’s Folle a Deux album, you might hear Brendon.

Two examples of Brendon Urie contributing vocals to Fall Out Boy songs appear on their 2008 album, Folie a Deux. He provided vocals on two fan favorites from that album, What a Catch, Donnie” and “20 Dollar Nose Bleed.

In terms of Brendon singing background vocals for Fall Out Boy, he did so for their second album in 2006. His vocals appear on the song “7 Minutes in Heaven”. Many people don’t realize it, but background vocals are very important to a song. They help provide the overall tone of the song.

Who were Patrick Stump’s influences?

Patrick Stump claims to have been influenced by Michael Jackson, David Bowie, Phil Collins, and Prince. Ironically Fall Out Boy sound very little like any of those artists.

Patrick Stump is known as a great singer. He truly pushes himself as a singer in many of the ways his influences did.

While small, similarities between Fall Out Boy and Michael Jackson are there. Many longtime fans of Fall Out Boy have been long aware that the band as a whole had some connection to Michael Jackson.

One reason is that they covered “Beat It” for their 2009 Greatest Hits album, but also because of the way Patrick Stump sings.

Patrick’s style of singing is different from Michael’s.

However, it is comparable in terms of the high notes. Patrick sounds very similar to Michael Jackson when he uses his upper register.

The same is true for Prince. Patrick Stump and Prince are very different artists, but the influence is there when it comes to singing. Patrick Stump is less of a dynamic performer than Prince was, but him being one of Patrick’s biggest influences makes sense.

Listen to Patrick Stump’s solo album if you really want to hear his musical background. 

To really hear Patrick Stump’s influences at work, listen to his solo album Soul Punk, which was released in 2011. This album was much more soul/R&B driven and fans can hear his musical vision.

Does Patrick Stump sing on any Panic! at the Disco songs?

Patrick Stump has not provided vocals on any Panic! at the Disco songs.

Although Panic! at the Disco and Fall Out Boy have strong connections, Patrick Stump has never provided vocals for a Panic! song. The two have worked together before, however.

Panic! at the Disco helped support Patrick’s solo album.

In 2011, Patrick Stump toured with Panic at the Disco. This was during the time he had his solo album out, which made this a promotional tour for him.

Although he is the lead singer of Fall Out Boy, Patrick has never been the most recognizable member of the group.

This meant that going on tour as a solo artist with Panic! at the Disco did a great deal to help make the public aware of the album.

Brendon Urie Vs. Patrick Stump - Best Live Vocals


Patrick Stump and Brendon Urie sound similar despite being very different artists.

Brendon is a very flashy performer who tends to grab the crowd’s attention. Patrick, on the other hand, is a truly great singer, but he is much less flamboyant on stage.

Still, they are often compared. 

For more on the similarities between Panic! at the Disco and Fall Out Boy, check out this recent article, where we take a deep dive into their respective sounds.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

Photos that require attribution:

Patrick Stump in 965KissFm by Roman and Panic! At the Disco by jenniferlinneaphotography are licensed under CC2.0 and were cropped, edited, merged, and had a text and graphic overlay added.